BE(not A), a Changing Landscape Part 1: History

eric smith 2015 bea.jpg
image from Eric Smith’s blog, May 2, 2015

A year and half ago, when Tasch & I first made this blog, she posted about BEA 2015 and I posted about why I wouldn’t be attending BEA 2016 (Me, BEA, and the Undying Will). At the time it was largely due to expenses as well as a feeling of…malaise. I’ve been attending BEA since 2007 – when I attended as an educator to meet an author I fervently admired after convincing my then boss I should try to expand our pitiful Center library. I had no idea what I was getting into; I wasn’t blogging and bloggers as a group had yet to start attending(1).

I didn’t come home with many books that year (ten?), but I also didn’t make any friends. It was an overwhelming experience to put it frankly. I almost didn’t attend in 2009, but at this point I was blogging and due to health reasons I wasn’t working, so my ability to read “new” books or meet other book lovers was severely limited(2). Book blogging as a community was just building itself together (anybody remember how great the book blogging community on “Ning” was? Does anyone even remember “Ning”?) so again there was maybe several dozens of us at BEA that year.

2010 it exploded. Continue reading “BE(not A), a Changing Landscape Part 1: History”

Discussion: 5 Books to Movies

I have a bit of a confession to make–in the last few years, what with the plethora of movies based on books coming out, I’ve begun to get a bit burned out. This isn’t limited to the Young Adult novels being turned into movies (it seems a dozen a year are coming out…), but just all things.

Here’s another confession…I sometimes like the movie better than the book.


Yes…its true. It does happen.  I realized this as I was going through my Goodreads tags actually.  So I thought I’d share my top 5 books to movies in which I enjoyed the movie better.

Continue reading “Discussion: 5 Books to Movies”

Post Book Conference – Choosing your first read

sheska from fullmetal alchemist
How do I choose?

There’s an important decision that you’ve either made or will make soon.  You probably don’t realize it, probably haven’t even given it much thought, but its a decision that has the potential to have long reaching consequences. I’m talking about the first book you read (and finish!) after a book conference*.

All of us walk away with plenty of new reads to lavish attention upon.  Whether its a new book in a favorite series or the hotly anticipate debut, they’re all so PRETTY and make you want to read them now now now.  But what do you choose? How can you say yes to one without making the others feel less important?  Is it better to stay with a known favorite author or strike out into new territory?  Read something coming out now or something due out in 9 months?

Hey I get you, don’t worry I feel that way too.  Its a thrilling and terrifying moment of truth that few consciously understand or can even explain adequately.  The rush and anticipation, the thrill of cracking open that new ARC and knowing you’re one of only a few hundred (at most) who have it in their hands.  Its the best feeling for a book nerd. That’s why its interesting to chart a person’s reading habits.  I’ve done it to myself the last several book conferences and well the data is a bit eye opening when I consider what I THINK I do and what I actually do.

Continue reading “Post Book Conference – Choosing your first read”

Me, BEA and the Undying Will

PrintHere’s how this story goes – once upon a time there was a girl. She was a pretty ordinary girl, her only real extraordinary feature being her vast book collection.  One year, because of an author the girl admired very very keenly, the girl found out about an event called Book Expo America, and decided to attend.  The girl was gobsmacked; who knew such a wonderful place existed? Who knew they would just give you books to read and review?

That year the girl walked away with one certainty–she would return.

And return she did…for another 8 years.

Continue reading “Me, BEA and the Undying Will”