#SherlockedSunday: Portia Adams Adventures


Are you missing Sherlock Holmes as much as me? Does Benedict Cumberbatch’s sharp cheekbones and exasperated remarks about how dull we are all being fill your thoughts? Well my friends welcome to my problems.

While by no means the fiercest fan of Doyle’s lofty detective, I am still quite enamored of his exploits and the interpretations that have sprung up inspired by him. After all rumor has it that fanfiction for Sherlock is amongst the earliest examples of fans disagreeing with the creator and producing fan work that fits within their mindset better.

Until the new series premieres (“sometimes in 2017”) I thought every so often I’d examine one of the many adaptations that I have in my collection. If nothing else it will give me a reason to used “I am SHERlocked” right? Continue reading “#SherlockedSunday: Portia Adams Adventures”